6th Generation Fighter Aircraft are just around the corner. The come with all the usual budgets associated with technological evolution of defence.

The defence industry is investing heavily in unmanned aircraft. Drones are big news and big dollars. As well as military aircraft, missiles are part of the Aerospace sector, and missiles tend to only get used once. This expendability makes for large value recurring orders.

No surprises that the The US leads the way in military aircraft projects, with its Next Generation Air Dominance programme. It is already reporting that it has flown a 6th Generation fighter that has ‘broken records’. Although, we haven’t seen this aircraft yet it is creating a lot of interest. With China and Russia both obsessing over 6th Generation fighter aircraft, and with this new focus on dominating the skies, it’s no wonder.

New Entrants to 6th Generation Fighter Aircraft

Just like with the new entrants commercialising space, it is likely that billionaires like Musk and Bezos will enter the Military aircraft market.

Former US Head of Airforce Acquisition Will Roper said “I have to imagine there will be a lot of engineers — maybe famous ones with well-known household names with billions of dollars to invest — that will decide starting the world’s greatest aircraft company to build the world’s greatest aircraft with the Air Force is exactly the kind of inspiring thing they want to do as a hobby or even a main gig,”

If Roper is right and we are about to see an increase in multi-million dollar, or perhaps billion dollar start-ups they will need supply chains. These new supply chains will create new opportunities for those who have the ambition and forethought to prepare for the future right now.

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